Make a Decision/Leopard

Make a Decision/Leopard

11 – Make a Decision / Leopard

Reading for the week of February 10, 2019

From Nature’s Whispers Oracle Cards by Angela Hartfield, Artwork by Josephine Wall

Key Statement:  Listen to your heart and intuition so that you will know when and how to react before making a decision.

Your sheer determination and persistent is highlighted at this time.  Your spirit will support your desires and manifestations.  The ability to create or destroy has always been within your skill base.  You have many resources available to you and that these resources can be physical, mental, psychic, emotional and spiritual.  You have the wisdom and the confidence needed to use these skills constructively.  In animal medicine, Leopard bears the message that the time has come that you must now tap into your own innate hunting nature … whatever it is you are desiring you must awaken the hunter within to obtain it.  You must go after your desires with fury and passion, you must lay down your fears and become the fierce hunter.  Now is the time to act, if you know what it is you want to accomplish and why.  Since the powers of transformation is at your command, change your desires into objectives, your thoughts into actions, your goals into achievements.  If you have recently met with failure, know you can change that failure into success.  The only limits you have are those you impose on yourself.  Remember, be still and trust the Creator of all life, the heavens and the earth to give you the wisdom, the strength and the grace to make that decision that you seek.

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