About Grace
My name is Grace and I live in the beautiful Fraser Valley of British Columbia, Canada. At an early age, I have always felt different from those around me. I would often know what was going to happen or what people might say or think and then those things would come true. I even finish other’s people’s sentence. I felt that I was an observer of life and not really in it. Although I didn’t understand it, it brought me a lot of pain. But my faith in the Creator helped me cope with life’s issues. I always felt the presence of God and the angels around me and that helped me understand more on spirituality. I then started my journey to understand and develop my psychic abilities so that I could help others.
I have been doing intuitive readings for a few years and been tested by a highly rated psychic. I possess some clairvoyant reading abilities and am a practiced proven oracle card reader. I am a certified Angel Card reader. Also, I am a Reiki Master and I am certified to use and teach Black Pearl Technique and Complete Cellular Mind Body Alignment/Complete Cellular Soul Memory Clearing technique. My goal is to use and access all of my gifts to help those in need of information and healing.
My calling and my mission in life is to share Creator’s unconditional love and blessings to those I meet. I received my messages and other information from the angelic realm and the fairy realms as well as from the Creator. When you receive a reading from me, you are also getting a healing from the Creator.